The campus in england are very good, because there are a lot of people so it's easy to meet new people. The atmosphere is different to the France but i think better.
Furthermore in the english campus there are a lot of restaurant, supermarket, social place ...
it's very good because it allows the etudiants to begin their own life without the help of theirs parents because in these campus it is possible to work for win money.
The campus in England are very good, because there are a lot of people so it's easy to meet new people. The atmosphere is different to the France but i think better. Furthermore in the english campus there are a lot of restaurants, supermarkets, social place ... it's very good because it allows the etudiants (students) to begin their own life without the help of theirs parents because in these campus it is possible to work to earnmoney.
Then, in Sussex it's so easy for do sport because there are two sports complex. in this complex we can see a lot of football stadium, basket stadium ..... Two place for do gym with a lot of machine to run, make of body-building.
In this campus we feel that all the people one confidence between them. (For the food, in the shop ...)
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